
Shiatsu Massage- Kaleb

Experiencing Kaleb's Blissful Barefoot Shiatsu Massage

While expert massage therapist Kaleb at Le Rêve Spa is renowned for his masterful deep tissue and hot stone techniques, his skill equally shines through in the realm of barefoot shiatsu massage. This unique modality combines elements of shiatsu, ashiatsu, and traditional foot massage into one profoundly therapeutic and rejuvenating experience.

During his intensive 800-hour training at the prestigious National Holistic Institute, Kaleb immersed himself in the study of Eastern massage philosophies and practices, with a heavy emphasis on the Japanese healing art of shiatsu. He became well-versed in utilizing strategic pressure from feet, palms, and thumbs along the body's meridian pathways to unlock stagnant energy flow and restore balance.

Kaleb's barefoot shiatsu massage integrates these time-honored shiatsu principles with other styles that employ ActiveAssisted contact from the therapist's feet and body weight. As he glides, rocks, and applies traction along the client's musculature, Kaleb is able to penetrate tension at a deeper level than hands alone can reach.

The benefits of this form of massage are multi-layered. On a physical level, the prolonged gentle but firm pressure helps relieve stubborn aches, knots, and adhesions while increasing circulation and flexibility. Also, it works to remove blockages and rebalance the body's meridians, and the rocking, rhythmic nature of the technique induces a profoundly relaxing state in which the client can fully let go of mental chatter.

While Kaleb may be most sought-after for his skill in deep tissue and hot stone massage, his intuitive command of barefoot shiatsu offers clients a uniquely grounding, full-body healing experience. As he draws from his diverse mastery of Eastern and Western modalities, Kaleb's sessions become individualized journeys towards physical and mental harmony.

If you're intrigued to branch beyond the realms of traditional massage, allow yourself to surrender to the blissful experience of Kaleb's barefoot shiatsu massage at Le Rêve Spa. An extraordinary restoration and rejuvenation awaits.

Book with him here.

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