Happy Mother's Day to the woman who made you...well...YOU!

I am Delayni, a spa coordinator at Le Reve Day Spa, and I'd like to make a special shoutout to my mom, Debbi! There are so many things in the world I constantly take for granted, and I must say something I often do not realize is that not all mothers are like mine. As I have grown up and gained more experience, watched friends, and observed other situations, it has come to my attention that not every mother is as selfless, supportive, and caring as mine. I am growing up, I am now in college, I work here at Le Reve Day Spa but you're still my "most favorite mom" out there. I am sorry that I am going through that selfish teenager stage and may not always remember to ask about your days as much as you ask and genuinely care about mine. Thank you for always supporting my decisions even though I tend to change them about three times a week. Thank you for always being able to find the things "I swear someone stole" in my room. Thank you for countless cupcake, coffee, and PF Changs dates. Thank you for listening for every thought that pops in my head. Thank you for driving me to every volleyball practice and every early morning tournament. Thank you for reading books with me when I was little. Thank you for never pushing me in directions I did not want to go and understanding when I wanted to change my path. Thank you for calling me out of school on those days when I just couldn't stand it. Thank you for always helping me research my options. Thank you for always bringing my thoughts back down to earth. Thank you for always letting me steal your clothes. And lastly, thank you for just being my wonderful, kind and fabulous mom! I'll be home for Summer soon-I love you deeper than the sea!
Love, Delayni
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