
Eight Greens Whip Moisturizer

 Eight Greens Whip Moisturizer 

Eight Greens Whip Moisturizer here at Le Reve Organic Spa and Boutique 

Cheers to the changing of the seasons! Personally my skin has been craving moisture with the change in weather, and I know I'm not the only one. Here is one product that has been a true lifesaver, the Eight Greens Whip Moisturizer is excellent for dry and mature skin types. Not only is this moisturizer a go to for dry skin, but it has so many more benefits to consider. The Eight Greens Whip Moisturizer is an amazing way to treat hormonal imbalanced skin. Not only that, but it is amazing when it comes to reducing fine lines and pesky wrinkles. Oh and one last thing, it actually protects the skin from free radicals unlike some moisturizers. The Eight Greens Whip Moisturizer here at Le Reve Organic Spa and Boutique is filled with ingredients such as Yucca, Horsetail, Hops, Red Clover, Paprika, Flaxseed, Lavender, and Stone Crop that cater to the skins needs. These ingredients are filled with antioxidants and provide phytoestrogens to bring balance to the skin as well as reducing inflammation. Overall the Eight Greens Whip Moisturizer is a great way to keep your skin radiant this winter. 

Remember everyone deserves to be pampered - Savannah

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