
Caution: The price of using your eye cream incorrectly could result in damaging your eyes

It is not uncommon for people to use their eye creams incorrectly, in fact, several people I know are not properly using their eye creams. If you do not use your eye cream properly, you could unintentionally be undoing the results which prompted you to purchase an eye cream in the fist place.

The proper way of applying your eye cream is to take a pea size dollop and gently apply the eye cream underneath your eye and gently massage to improve edema and circulation in the eye area. If you use too much product. Trust me, the more you use does not make it more effective. In fact, if you use more than you are supposed to, it can cause eye irritation.

If you have any questions on how to apply your eye cream, an aesthetician from Le Reve will be more than happy to direct you to the perfect eye cream for you and will assist in the application.

                                 "The soul fortunately has an interpreter, often an unconscious,
                               but still a faithful interpreter in the eye." -Charlotte Bronte

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