
Courtney's How to Properly Set Up a Skin Care Regiment

Having a proper skin care regiment is extremely important, but also can be confusing if you do not have the right guidance. 

The first step to a great skin care regiment would be figuring out what skin type you have. Here at Le Reve, we offer complimentary skin analysis.

The aesthetician that is analyzing your skin will determine what skin type you have and can help you pick out the appropriate products that will benefit you the most!

Once you figure out what skin type you have, you will need to pick out a cleanser. One of our best selling cleansers is our Eminence Stone Crop Cleanser.

The second step is to exfoliate your skin. A very popular exfoliant is the Eminence Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant with Lactic Acid. The lactic acid helps remove dead skin cells, which helps your skin absorb product much better.

The third step is to have a great toner. Toners help shrink pores, hydrate the skin,  add a layer of protection, and help balance your skins PH level. My personal favorite toner is our Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist. This helps balance out the oils on your skin, and it is extremely calming.

The fourth step would be to use a serum that best fits your skins need.  Serums are absorbed and penetrated fast into your skin and will be extremely beneficial to your skin in the future. 

After you apply your serum, you need to put on a moisturizer. Moisturizers help with hydrating your skin and maintaining great elasticity. If it is day time, you will want to also add in an SPF. If it is night time, you would want to add a heavier moisturizer such as a night cream. 

You will also need an eye cream! The eye area is extremely gentle and more prone to dryness and is the quickest part of your skin that will show signs of aging. 

I hope this helps!
xoxo, Courtney

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