
Breakouts....Oily Skin....The culprit

Breaking out at 13 and at 33 and now at 53? The fact is there can be various reasons why and the 1st step is figuring out what is causing all this. Once we have figured out the cause we can treat it and then we can decrease the breakouts and oily skin.
Western Doctors, such as a dermatologist tend to focus on the symptoms by giving prescriptions that can and usually will reduce the symptoms. My experience is that if you don't treat the cause then sometimes the symptoms will come back or worse come back more intensely. Eastern medicine, meaning Chinese and Ayruvedic tend to focus on the cause. I tend to encourage Le Reve clients to start looking internally first and then we can focus on the outside. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and when something is not balanced inside it shows up on the outside. Hormones, are usually a contributing factor as well as genetics, food allergies and even medications such as oral contraceptives which can all increase the oil glands. When excess oil and dead skin cells clog up the pores, bacteria can multiply and lead to breakouts.
Hormones, known as the male androgen hormones are responsible for kicking oil glands into overdrive.
Hormones out of balance increase the heat 'inside' and acne is caused from to much heat.
Food allergies can also increase internal heat. The harder your body has to work to break down the food you just ate the more heat that is produced. The longer food stays inside of you increases the heat. What goes in must come out! The food you can work on. Start with cutting out or decreasing dairy,sugar and wheat. These are very hard for most people to digest and can make a world of difference for your skin,elimination and bloating. Heat due to hormones can be helped immensely by changing your diet and seeing an ayruvedic or chinese Doctor for herbs that will focus on decreasing internal heat and balancing your hormones. Herbs are usually very cheap compared to prescription medication and they are actually increasing your health not just covering up the problem. Now that you are working on the inside your skin care experts at Le Reve can help you with the right organic products and the perfect facial that will be customized to fit your skin care needs. If you can't get a facial it is very important to have your skin analyzed so that the right products can be prescribed. Book your facial or complimentary skin consultation today and get started to healthier,clear and glowing skin. See you at the Spa, Shannon
Claudia Brachtl is my choice for Ayruvedic Doctor and she also does acupuncture 805-560-9727

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